Muzsay / Новая музыка / T3 & T4 When Bodybuilding On Trenbolone with Justin Harris, Big Paul Barnett, and Joe Miller

T3 & T4 When Bodybuilding On Trenbolone with Justin Harris, Big Paul Barnett, and Joe Miller

  • Скачано: 16
  • Длительность MP3: 1:22
  • Качество MP3: 320 kbps
  • Источник MP3: youtube
  • Дата релиза: 09.11.2024 09:10
T3 & T4 When Bodybuilding On Trenbolone with Justin Harris, Big Paul Barnett, and Joe Miller
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In this clip on the @1stdetachment YouTube channel, Justin Harris @troponinnutrition talks with Big Paul Barnett ...what I've seen a lot of guys do now is
run Trend and then use T4 and I was
talking to Dr Todd about that the last
time we were on and he was talking about
how Trend causes more T conversion so
like I guess guys are feeding the top
end of it with T4 he would he was
speculating that the you know your
body's own T3 if you're using T4 to
leverage that upregulated conversion
from the tram that you actually it's not
as catabolic yeah well it'll be it's
self-limiting because your body will
only convert the T3 it won't convert
excess you know it'll convert the amount
it needs you know where whatever the
parameters are that you know for what
that that is but it's it's not like you
know if you just run T3 whatever
milligram you take that's what's in your
body the com you know the conversion
from T4 to T3 is you know self-regulated
by your body so it's going to vary from
day to day an hour to hour even and so
it'll be you know it's self-limiting as
far as you don't run into those cases
where you just you have too much and
you're going and it's cannibalizing
tissue yeah I think that's the issue
with T3 is it seems like it's equal
parts burning muscle and fat it seems to
be indiscriminate I've done the person
too yeah uh you'd be surprised that some
people don't I can think of one pro
actually who could do like high dose as
a T3 never get flat and never it doesn't
seem to ever lose muscle uh but most
people for sure as the doses get higher - Скачать новинки музыки или слушать бесплатно.
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