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Best laugh ever - John Candy in Splash

  • Скачано: 13
  • Длительность MP3: 1:30
  • Качество MP3: 320 kbps
  • Источник MP3: youtube
  • Дата релиза: 11.11.2024 17:14
Best laugh ever - John Candy in Splash
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An oddball moment in one of my favourite movie scenes with Tom Hanks and John Candy. Freddie Bauer (John Candy) laughs at ...are there any messages mrs stimmer
your father called
he wants you to call him back um
mrs timwell our father passed away about
five years ago do you remember
should i get it for
you no no no real uh i'll take care of
you you just get back
what's with her
oh she had a little accident over the
weekend got in the head by some
and it's not funny freddy it's not funny
i'm sorry that's not funny
besides she's okay she can still do
certain things around the office like
what jump start a car
i'm sorry i'm sorry - Скачать новинки музыки или слушать бесплатно.
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