Muzsay / Новая музыка / Everybody Jam Scatman John

Everybody Jam Scatman John

  • Скачано: 13
  • Длительность MP3: 3:34
  • Качество MP3: 320 kbps
  • Источник MP3: youtube
  • Дата релиза: 08.11.2024 18:47
Everybody Jam Scatman John
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Yet another worldwide hit from Scatman John. Europop Dance music at its best! Yeeehaaa to the Nineties!!!!hey Louie yeah is that you yes yes oh
I'm scat man John would you like to sing
a song man well sure good look 1 2 3

4 everybody
party down in Louisiana everybody
Jam everybody

come follow me everybody let's head down
south to the land of the man with a
message his name was satch and he played
on the match every time he play the hor
know the brues was born everybody saying
that the way he was playing had the
whole world praying that he never going
to stop he talk to scat man all about
scat he's the father of it all as a
matter of fact Louis was a legend in New
Orleans in the Louisiana Dix land scene
he made a decision that the old time
religion could be paid out the horn and
the blues was born s brething deep in my
soul let me sing it to you
hallelujah what do you
say everybody party down in Louisiana
J everybody come and take a ride with
mey what do you say get out the way let

take a lesson that I learned from Le he
only gave it to us cuz he knew it knew
us Love Is The Answer SC where it's at
Lou said that you can even teach a Cas
hear me talking I've been talking to you
Louis was one swing and happy Guru you
want to hear the greatest trumpet in the
well sing along with me sing along now
now join me in the opening and join me
in the bow singing at the sunet singing
at the dawn you got to get it up if you
want to get it on s's breathing deep in
my soul let me sing it to you Hallelujah
hey hey what do you say get out the way
let Lou Play Everybody part down in Lou
everybody CH
everybody everybody come and take a ride

mebody what you think of that SC as we
say it g me man a little

solo blow your
Louis everybody part down Louisiana
everybody what do you say everybody come
and take a ride with me
everybody party down in Louisiana
everybody what do you say everybody come
and take a ride with me what do you say
get out


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